"You are all-beautiful, my beloved, and there is no blemish in you." Song of Songs 4:7

Aug 11, 2013

A Case of Mistaken Identity

Holy smokes, it's been over a year since I've blogged! I could make excuses of work, class, and family, but let's be honest. Blogging just hasn't been a priority to me lately. I've been trying to write this blog for the last month, but man I just really haven't had the motivation. But this is a long one, so be prepared.

The past six months have been centered on growing in virtue by focusing on the people around me.  I've been working hard towards making myself into the best version of myself. One of the things I have been working on is politeness, especially when interacting with people who work in retail.

As I have been making a conscious effort to be more polite, I've been more aware of people's reactions to politeness. One of my biggest observations is that people seem to have forgotten how to be polite. Most people rush about their days without regard for basic manners. When cashiers ask basic questions about how your day is going, most reply with a weary good or fine. When we slow down to answer with an honest reply and ask a genuine question back, people are often caught off guard.

The second thing I have noticed is that people are hungry. They're starving from loneliness and lack of basic manners. The more genuine my politeness becomes, the more people have been "emotionally dumping" on me from lack of a better term. When I ask simple questions, I am receiving extremely personal answers. Lately, I have had a woman tell me about her house that burned down, another woman lost her son, and another just broke off her engagement.

I've been wondering why people react this way when shown basic politeness. These extreme cases might just be random. They might just be open and sharing people. I might just be easy to talk to. But I think it's more than that. I think it's a case of mistaken identity. In a world of fast paced love and instant gratification, I believe that we have sped up the basic levels of interaction. Politeness is so rare now that it is often seen as flirtation or affection (which are two very different things). .

After I began paying attention to politeness and affection, I began focusing on other areas of interaction and relationships. In our fast-paced, authentic loved starved society, many people seem to mistake affection for intimacy. I can see this most in myself and other women. Most women have an intense desire to be pursued, loved, and wanted. They have a desire to be cherished and found captivating. Many women are suffering from scars where this desire went intensely wrong. They experience intense heart break, a father leaving, abuse, rejection, or a variety of others things that can lead to a lack of intimacy.

When this happens, women become starved for intimacy. There is a hunger at every stage of relationships, because something has gone terribly wrong. I've noticed in many women, myself included, that this can cause a lack of understanding about affection. Many good men in our world strive to be affectionate and polite brothers to their sisters in Christ. They share general feelings of fondness to show Christ's love to those around them. Many times this affection can be misconstrued by women as a desire for intimacy.

I think the time this is hardest for me is when I'm dancing. The intimacy of a dance is a strong thing. I could write a whole blog about that and maybe I will someday. But dancing reminds me a lot of the call of a man and woman in Ephesians 5. A man should be the head of the family. He should be leading, much like in dancing. A woman should follow. The man supports her.

Maybe that's why dancing is so hard, because it mirrors marriage in so many ways. Women crave intimacy and connection. That close friendship where they can confide in a man. To feel safe in a man's arms. To let a man whirl them around and lead them closer to Christ always. Dancing toes the line between affection and intimacy in many ways. It's easy for a woman to lose her heart in the arms of a good dancer.

Dare to dance with God.
He will let the perfect man cut in. 

The ultimate mistaken identity is to mistake a desire for intimacy as a desire for sexual love, to blur that line. This fast-paced view of relationships often confuses intimacy and sexual love. The pyramid does a good job of explaining why this can be difficult. At the base of the pyramid is the intimacy of friendship. There are many stages to go through before that intimacy progresses to sexual intimacy.

Ultimately the question is: how do we fix this? How can we be good friends, sisters, brothers, spouses? How do we promote the love of Christ while guarding the hearts of the people around us? For me personally, I have found a step in the right direction is to look up emotional virtue and become familiar with that. Emotional virtue is all about realigning our own hearts in hopes of realigning our relationships with one another. If we aren’t in control of our emotions, then they will control us; and when they control us, we are no longer free to love. Emotional virtue, therefore, frees us to truly love with an undivided heart.

After an absolutely amazing conversation with two dear brothers one night, I had another realization. An important part of guarding your heart is knowing how you show and receive love, knowing your love language. There are 5: words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch. My love language is physical touch. This could be why dancing is so hard for me. Understanding your love language helps you to control how you express yourself and how you receive other's expressions.

I wish I had more advice, but this is something that I struggle with often. I'm terrible at blurring the lines and guarding my heart. By understanding the situation, I can take active steps towards growing in the virtue of emotional chastity and guarding my heart for my future spouse.

Many people seem to mistake
politeness for affection,
affection for intimacy,
intimacy for sexual love.
It is a case of mistake identity.

Jun 18, 2012

Growing Pains

This summer, I decided to move home to nanny for my nieces. I entered the position with an extremely negative attitude. It affected me. It affected my parents. And worst of all it affected the kids. I was struggling to make it through the day with my sanity intact. I often referred to the kids as the brats and so forth to my friends. As far as I was concerned, I was having the worst summer ever.

However, about a week ago, I was talking with my good friend, Cassie. During this chat, she was discussing various struggles God had placed in her life that week. I told her, "Man it sounds like you have it rough this week." Her response caught me off guard. She simply said, "Growing pains, my dear. Growing pains."

After that we hung up and I got to thinking about what she said. How she had born her trials with a simple, humble dignity. Cassie has always blown me away with her attitude towards suffering. She takes it all in stride. She realizes that all the time and pressure God gives her is just a transformation process. She trusts in His will in scenarios where I would have just given up.  Plus, honestly Growing Pains was one of my favorite shows growing up. So in an effort to relax and just think about her response, I tried to find the show online. During my search being the researcher that I am, I looked up the description. This is what popped up:

"It's hard enough to raise a kid nowadays but when you have to cope with THESE kids,
things tend to get out of hand! Dr Seaver, a psychologist and his wife Maggie Seaver,
a journalist, try to do their best raising their family and although their kids, Mike, Ben,
 Carol and Crissie, cause them endless problems, they manage to keep the family close
together. As long as they got each other, nothing else matters..."

Replace a few words...and this would fit my family exactly!

"It's hard enough to raise a kid nowadays but when you have to cope with THESE kids,
 things tend to get out of hand! Sid Stah and his wife Monica try to do their best raising
 their family and although their kids, Rachel, Jason, Ehren, Katie, Emily and Laura,
cause them endless problems, they manage to keep the family close together. As long
as they got each other, nothing else matters..."

God loves using spiritual 2x4's to just knock some sense into me. Sometimes a gentle response just doesn't work for me. God was reminding me, that although I am gave up a lot to help my family. Everybody else is suffering just as much, if not more. God constantly puts my personal sufferings into perspective to remind that they just aren't as bad as I make them out to be. My parents made a huge sacrifice to take in two of my nieces and one nephew. It's put an economic, physical, and emotional strain on them. When I remember this, it reminds me to constantly die to myself and put their needs first. My parents needed the help and it is important that I remind myself of this everytime I wake up in the morning. 

Growing pains has meaning on a more personal level for me. Once I sat back and looked at the situation, I really began to see God's hand in me being in Tulsa for the summer. He's been giving me a growth spurt in the virtues of patience, temperance, humility and compassion. I have been placed in the lives of these children by the grace of God and God willing I can make an impact on them. Because they sure have caused some growing pains in me. Yet none of that matters as long as we keep the family together and trust in each other.

Each day is a trial with the children, but man they sure are cute. God has taken a bad situation in the beginning that led me to Tulsa. Yet, once again He brought a beautiful lesson and opportunity for some growth out it. The kids are difficult, extremely difficult, and I'm not sure God is calling me to marriage anymore. But I love them and the lessons they teach me everyday.

Growing Pains: television and spiritual growth. At times it hurts or scares you, but in the end you always get a laugh out of the lesson.

Dec 14, 2011

Hello again! I have been avoiding studying and that led me to think about everything I would like to accomplish before I die. Granted, my mama always says, "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans." These are just some things I would like to do, but who knows if they will ever get crossed off!
Bucket List:
1.       Graduate college
2.       See the Pope
3.       Change the world
4.       Go to World Youth Day
5.       Kiss someone I love on New Years Eve
6.       Explore the Grand Canyon
7.       Spend a holiday somewhere exotic
8.       Redesign my bedroom
9.       Scuba dive
10.   Move to another country
11.   Change somebody’s life
12.   Visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter
14.   Send a message in a bottle
15.   Ride in a hot air balloon
16.   Volunteer in Calcutta
17.   Swim with dolphins
18.   Have a romantic picnic
19.   Ride a camel in Egypt
20.   Build a blanket fort with some I love
21.   Go to legoland
22.   Go to Greece
23.   See Stonehenge
24.   Party in Las Vegas
25.   Have a marriage more beautiful than my ceremony
26.   Own a beach house
27.   Go on a safari
28.   See George Strait live
29.   Spend New Years Eve in Times Square
30.   Go on a Disney cruise
31.   Own a dog
32.   Learn to play the piano
33.   Chop down my own Christmas tree
34.   Throw a dart a map and go where ever it lands
35.   Kiss under the mistletoe
36.   Go to Spain
37.   Dance in the rain
38.   Stay in Cinderella’s castle
39.   Ride in a helicopter
40.   Climb a waterfall
41.   Kiss at the top of a ferris wheel
42.   Start my own nonprofit
43.   Spend time volunteering in Africa
44.   Go to the Olympics
45.   Macy’s Day Parade!
46.   Spend the night with the homeless
47.   Watch my children get married
48.   Learn how to ballroom dance
49.   Visit Niagara Falls
50.   Buy a plantation home and fix it up

Nov 10, 2011

Call me Maggie.

It's been quite a long time since I have been able to blog, but what a blessing that I have found some time to write. For a while now, I've been trying to find a life lesson or some witty way to convey my life experiences over the last few days. Nothing has really stuck out...then I realized that there hasn't been any dramatic life lesson over the past few months. Life has been peaceful, beautiful, and lovely. In other words, I'm content.

This contentment has created an environment of self-reflection. I have blogged many times about the journey I have been on over the last couple of years. These years have been marked by trials, failings, a few triumphs, struggles, and just a general atmosphere of chaos. But in the midst all the chaos, I have had a beautiful, unxpected love story develop. Christ has very patiently and quietly beckoned me to him in those sparse moments of quiet. At first, it was soft, but lately He's been shouting through a mega-phone.

As many of you know, Song of Songs is my absolute favorite book of the Bible. I love every part of it: the romancing, the courtship, the wooing, the marriage, the journey. We are able to witness a romance that is absolutely breath-taking. Although this is amazing, the most beautiful part of the book ies in the fact that Song of Songs is God's love proposal to us. In these mystical writings, God sweeps us off our feets with a divine marriage proposal. He is asking us, all of us, to be his beautiful brides. Christ is down on one knee with the perfect proposal.

"You have ravished my heart, my sister, my bride;
you have ravished my heart with one glance of your
eyes. How beautiful is your love, my sister, my bride."

After my whole-hearted yes to Christ my senior year, I ran away. I left my groom standing at the altar. In a way, I was much like Julia Roberts from Runaway Bride. In this movie, she plays a women that goes to the altar many times, but always runs away at the last minute. She was romanced, wooed, and swept off her feet. Yet, something just wasn't right, she got cold feet everytime. Call me Maggie, but I have experienced those same cold feet in my courtship with Christ. These cold feet have made me do some pretty stupid stuff. Christ has watched me chase men that wouldn't satisfy me, he watched me look for answers in things that almost always hurt me, and he watched as I ran away from him. He was always there quietly, patiently waiting to take my hand and lead me to the altar.

"I wanted to tell you why I run - sometimes ride - away from things.
When I was walking down the aisle, I was walking toward somebody who didn't have
any idea who I really was. And it was only half the other person's fault, because I had
done everything to convince him that I was exactly what he wanted. So it was good that I
didn't go through with it because it would have been a lie. But you - you knew the real me.
I didn't. And you being the one at the end of the aisle didn't just fix that."
--Maggie Carpenter

I kept running though. As soon as I got even close to a good relationship with Christ, I completely freaked out. Much like Julia, I was so caught up in what people said was a good relationship that I lost my focus. In the movie, she was extremely focused on what society said a good wedding should be like. Once she is open and honest with her groom is she able to find the courage to walk down the aisle. My relationship with Christ has been much like this. I get so caught up in comparing my relationship with my Love to the relationships my friends have with Christ. Almost every time I do this, I feel inadequate about my relationship with Christ. Then I watched Runaway Bride. I realized that there are many different ways to plan a marriage, much like there are many types of relationships with Christ.

Realizing this has been such a blessing, because I am more Christ-focused. I communicate my desires with Him so much more clearly than before. But honestly, this relationship has been really hard to develop, because my trust in men has really taken a beating over the past 2 years. Christ has had to work some serious over-time to show me that He is the only man that will never let me down or hurt me. Yet, I still leave my groom stranded at the altar. I run away from Him alot, and being the amazing man he is, he runs after me. My relationship with Christ this semester has taken on a whole new meaning. He is constantly chasing me, calling me back to Him, much like Maggie's groom does for her. He finds new and beautiful ways to sweep me off my feet, romance me, and propose. No matter how many times I leave Him at that altar, He will never abandon me, His bride.

"You are all-beautiful my beloved,
and there is NO blemish in you."
-Christ, my bridegroom

So just call me Maggie Carpenter, because I am a runaway bride.

Jul 23, 2011


What a beautiful week it has been! I've been anxiously awaiting the birth of my nephew, Josiah Gabriel. Patience is, unfortunately, a virtue I do no possess. I've been praying for him, thinking about him, reading to him, cleaning for him, and loving him every day all day since I received the news of his conception. It has been a wonderful journey of discernment and love for me. But man, I was ready for him to get here. I wanted to meet the little guy.

Last Wednesday, I got the call at 6:00 in the morning that Katie was experiencing the tell-tale signs of labor. Hurriedly, I grabbed my hospital bag that I had prepared, jumped in my car, and rushed to the hospital. When I got there she was dialated to a 6. I thought, "Ya! He's going to be here before I know it." Six hours later, Katie was still dialated to a 6. I was starting to get impatient. Around 1:30, Katie was ready to welcome her miracle into the world. The room was whirlwind of activity as the nurses rushed to get everything ready. I took my place by Katie's side, holding her hand. 30 short minutes later, little Josiah took his first breathe.

Being the sap that I am, I cried. I was so overcome with emotion that all I could say was blessed be God, over and over again. What a miracle childbirth is! I will never forget the look on Katie's face as she held her beautiful baby boy for the first time. It reminded me of something that Christopher West wrote in Heaven's Song. He discusses the joy that we feel on Christmas Day when we celebrate the birth of Christ. That joy is to be felt at the birth of every child in the world, because we are all God's children. We are all a precious gift from above. No matter the situation, no matter the background, no matter the world, each birth is a miracle. Children are a miracle. 

While holding little Siah today, I was once again overcome with emotion. But a more terrible kind. Abortion has always broken my heart, but as I sat there holding him, I just couldn't handle it. I have a hard time understanding how people can claim that unborn children aren't "alive." So this is my plea to you, stand up for the unborn. Pray for the parents considering abortion, pray for the babies, pray for the broken families, pray for those trying to recover from the terrors of abortion. Josiah is a beautiful testimony to life, help others continue that legacy. Mother Teresa worked tirelessly to fight the evils of abortion. Ask for her intercession and prayers. She once said, "I want the child, give me the child." Let us all echo her desire to save the unborn.

Mother Teresa, pray for us.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, protectress of the unborn, pray for us. 

Jul 2, 2011


Understanding comes when we begin to see God's hand in our life. It's only when we stop focusing on ourselves and turn our attention to Christ that we are able to see growth from a time of suffering. Thankfully, this summer has been an opportunity for me to stop being so self-absorbed and to step back to see the bigger picture. The past year has been a necessary period of growth for me and I am thankful for it. While sitting with a friend in Manhattan one night, we were discussing my journey. That's when this list started. Over the past week, I just started writing things down. Overall, it's hard to summarize just how much God has taught me this year, but here are a few of the key points.

Life lessons I’ve learned in the past year:
1. Self-pity is self-destructive.
2. No matter how much you love someone, you can’t make them love you back. You can’t be angry at them for that. Love them anyway.
3. There’s good in everyone, but that doesn’t mean everyone is good for you.
4. Life goes on. The pain might feel like it’s going to kill you, but it’s not. The scars it leaves behind will just give you character.
5. Children are the most innocent healing power in the world.
6. A friendship that ends was never a friendship to begin with.
7. God gives you multiple chances to do that right thing. If you don’t do it, God will. And it’s probably going to hurt a lot more than if you had just done it in the first place.
8. Share your experiences. Other people might be struggling with the same thing.
9. As much as you want them to, some people just don't belong in your life.
10. There's a difference between suffering and misery.
11. The opposite of love is lust.  
12. I am incredibly blessed.
13. Sometimes the things that feel the most right are the most wrong.
14. Suffering is a necessary part of life.
15. Don’t be afraid to tell your friends things. They will respect you for being honest with them.
16. Rush hour traffic is a blessing. It gives me an hour a day to concentrate on practicing virtue.
17. Surround yourself with people that pray for you.
18. You’ll never fall too far to be loved.
19. Even with the pain and heartache, it's still a beautiful world.
20. I’ve got a lot to learn.

Blessed be the name of the Lord.

Jun 19, 2011


Searching for peace and healing this summer has been an interesting journey for me. As I have talked about before, it's been a rough year, mostly by my own doing. I spent many, many hours worrying about where I was going to end up this summer. I didn't pray about it, just worried. I kept going back to Totus Tuus, but it just didn't feel right. I knew I would be doing it just because people told me I should. I felt obligated, not called. So as much as people wanted me to apply, I decided to throw away my application. That was a very difficult decision for me, because I felt like I was letting people down. But I'm learning to let go of always trying to please people, which has helped immensely in my quest for peace. Well after that I knew I would be coming home to Hallmark, but I didn't really have a plan. I was pretty much just wandering at this point.

After I got home, I suddenly found myself with gratuitous amounts of free time. After sitting at home for a few days, I got incredibly bored. Then God gave me the opportunity to spend countless hours with my nieces and Godchild. I got to go to my oldest niece, Caleigh's, band concert. What a blessing! I can't possibly described how imperfect, but absolutely perfect this concert was. They made mistakes, but I didn't even notice. The kids were having a blast, I couldn't help but join in. My niece was pure joy at this concert. Such a beautiful, unadultered, innocent joy. Just being able to witness this showed me that home is exactly where God was calling me this summer.

By simply being at home, I have come to know the healing power of children. My nieces and Jordan are so sweet, so trusting, so innocent that I couldn’t help but let my guard down. I am so blessed to have such an open, loving relationship with my nieces. I am a aunt, a sister, and a best friend. Which means, they talk openly to me about many things in their lives, including faith. Hearing their honest, sweet questions about Christ creates a situation where I am constantly thinking about Christ. I am used to be the light of Christ to my nieces, but this summer the role has switched. They have become Christ’s light for me.

My nieces especially have demonstrated child-like faith for me in such a beautiful, innocent way that I couldn't help but follow. I never thought that my nieces would be teaching me about Christ, but here I am gushing about them. One of my favorite memories of my nieces is sitting in Christmas mass with them. During mass, my two oldest nieces sang their little hearts out. No worries, no restraints. They didn’t worry about what people think, they just sang for Christ. This memory inspires me on a daily basis to sing out for Christ, to focus on just Him.

Being around little children has brought me so much peace and healing. So many people asked me what I was doing this summer and I felt so inadequate, because I wasn’t doing anything spectacular. But now I know that I am doing exactly what God wants me too. I’m spending time with precious little children that are teaching me about Christ. Based on this, I have begun to form a devotion to St. Therese, because I have realized it truly is the little things, like singing with my nieces, that brings me closer to Christ. So next time you are in mass, listen to the little voices around you. Learn from them and their innocent faith. Don’t hold back, sing for Christ.